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372 Lefthand Canyon Drive
Boulder, CO, 80302
United States


Heartseed Health in Boulder, CO is an acupuncture and counseling practice offering holistic and integrative care. We can support you with medicine grounded in spirit and rooted in science.



Filtering by Tag: comfort

Miso Soup for Breakfast?

Dr. Noah K. Goldstein, DACM L.Ac.

We start off Monday mornings with our Mood Boost dance party. We also start our weeks off with a special breakfast: Vegetable Miso Soup. Because variety is the spice of life and an important part of a healthy diet, and because we didn’t want our kids eating cereal every morning, we started a breakfast rotation, so we eat different things on different days of the week.

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Comfort Zones

Dr. Noah K. Goldstein, DACM L.Ac.

I saw this in my Grandfather’s apartment this past weekend and it caught my eye. At first, because of its nostalgic elegance, but then because of the word “comfort”  - here defined as a narrow range at the intersection of temperature and humidity. Comfort is important, heck my name Noah, can be translated as comfort or comfortable. But there are two essential truths about comfort that can change our lives…

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