Embodied Parenting
Embodied Parenting
Workshops and Coaching
As devoted parents we have an intimate understanding of the ins and outs of parenting and the challenges couples face as they transition into parenthood. We've seen negative patterns arise firsthand and worked through them using the tools and skills we developed through our training in medicine and psychology.
There is no magic potion that can make parenting carefree. The challenges we confront as parents help us grow as a family. However, we believe there are more graceful approaches to conflict and ways to move through the stressful pieces of parenting that allows us to come out on the other end stronger, happier, and more connected.
One of the core concepts we work with is Embodiment - a connection with and awareness of the inner body-based, or somatic, experience of emotions and thought. To us this includes promoting healthy attachment through attunement, awareness of self and other, and skills in self-regulation and nervous system modulation.
We currently offer Mama Movement and Council of Fathers as part of our programming for Embodied Parenting.
We work with families, couples, and in groups.
Please let us know if you're interested: