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372 Lefthand Canyon Drive
Boulder, CO, 80302
United States


Heartseed Health in Boulder, CO is an acupuncture and counseling practice offering holistic and integrative care. We can support you with medicine grounded in spirit and rooted in science.


Love is the Answer

Dr. Noah K. Goldstein, DACM L.Ac.

Really, Love is the answer.

When it comes to relationships,
Love is the foundation.

And while it may seem obvious, and it may be cliche,
If and when we're able to access and feel into the love, amidst the conflict, amidst the pain, amidst the discord and disconnect, then everything will be a lot more likely to turn out okay.

We ask you to take a moment right now, while you're staring at your phone or sitting in front of your computer,
and with whatever cynicism or self consciousness that's there,

Place your hand on your chest and feel your heart.
Bring into your mind something or someone or some place you love.
And maybe, feel a smile spread across your face or a softness settle into your body.

And for the rest of the day, whatever happens, you'll always have your hand and your chest with you.
You can't forget to bring them along.

And let this love which you're feeling right now,
Let it move you to stop and notice the flowers, the particular quality of light through the trees.

Explore all the ways you can express your love today, even if just for yourself.