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372 Lefthand Canyon Drive
Boulder, CO, 80302
United States


Heartseed Health in Boulder, CO is an acupuncture and counseling practice offering holistic and integrative care. We can support you with medicine grounded in spirit and rooted in science.



The Intersection of Functional Medicine and Shamanism - A Conversation with Tracy Shulsinger, Holistic Nurse Practitioner

Dr. Noah K. Goldstein, DACM L.Ac.

In this fascinating and enlightening conversation, Tracy Shulsinger, and I explore what it really means to heal and find health in Boulder, CO.

Tracy Shulsinger - Holistic Nurse Practitioner - Functional Medicine Practitioner and Shamanic Healer

Tracy Shulsinger - Holistic Nurse Practitioner - Functional Medicine Practitioner and Shamanic Healer

Tracy Shulsinger is a Holistic Nurse Practitioner and Shamanic Healer practicing at The Healing Collective in Boulder, CO.  After exploring how and why Tracy came to practice medicine, we dive into what  Functional Medicine, the evolution of traditional Western medicine, is. Then we pivot and explore her practices as a Shamanic Healer and discuss how Western medicine and Shamanic healing  can coexist and even work together.

This episode is about our infinite potential for wellness - Tap into the part of yourself that is well.

Tracy shares why she focuses on the now, rather than on the the things that need to fixed, and teaches us about the paradox of finding health amidst the dis-ease.

She explains why labelling a person as their disease is missing who they are  and advocates for seeing the whole person. “We’re so much bigger than all of our aches and pains and challenges.”

Tracy shares 7 practical tips around how we can take care of our whole selves and we learn about how she gets to the root of an illness.

She recommends this TED Talk about the 30 day challenge (it’s only 3.5 minutes and worth listening to).

Finally, we discuss how investing your in health now saves you significantly in the long run.

To connect with Tracy:

To Connect with Noah:

Work with Noah: