08: Grief as a Catalyst - Interview with Wendy Stern, Founder of the Grief Support Network
Dr. Noah K. Goldstein, DACM L.Ac.
In this episode we talk with Wendy Stern, the founder of the Grief Support Network in Boulder, CO.
We discuss:
Wendy Stern - Founder
- The beautiful and inspiring story of what the Grief Support Network is and why Wendy created it?
- The importance of culture and how people relate to people who are grieving in the healing process.
- The Role of mindfulness in experiencing and moving through grief.
- How grief can lead to an Identity shift
- The role Phoenix Rising Yoga founded by Michael Lee played in developing programming for the Grief Support Network
- The importance of being in community with others who are going through the same experience and a safe space where you’re allowed to show up authentically
- The importance of being with oneself and processing the grief within oneself as an individual
- The Art of listening - how to listen to oneself and others, connect and be in community
- The importance of Rituals
- Why Yoga was essential to Wendy’s ability to move through grief. And What it is about Yoga that is so helpful. (Hint: It brings together the physical, emotional, and spiritual).
- The role meditation and journaling can play in working through grief.
- The resistance that can come up working through grief.
- The importance of being witnessed in your process.
Some Great quotes from this episode:
“I actually think that connection is the greatest way we have to heal”
“The opportunity to express what was true and to not have to pretend that we were okay”
“I experience grief as a catalyst, for really powerful change, for personal growth on so many levels”
"Grief breaks you open and through that we have the capacity to feel more”
“I want to teach people how to work with that thing that’s happening in their hearts, that opening, which leads to greater vulnerability, which leads to greater authenticity in our relationships and ultimately more joy”
“No one can tell us what we need or how we should be or the answers to our questions more than we can find from within and grief is powerful teacher.”
“How to find greater self-love and acceptance through grief”