Heartseed Health

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Big Changes are Made up of Smaller Ones

It was a lightbulb moment. I’m making coffee in the morning in a pour over rather than a french-press.

I received the pour over equipment as a Hannukah gift over a month ago and it just sat on a shelf. I wasn’t ready to change.

I had my method, my system, my way of doing things. I clung to it as part of my routine and ritual. Maybe there was a better way, but it didn’t matter to me, because I had MY way.

Honestly, the flavor profile of the french-press vs the pour over isn’t significant to me. Nor is there a notable difference in terms of ease of brewing. What matters to me more than the coffee is that I changed.

Maybe it’s silly. But it feels symbolic to me. And it feels powerful and empowering. Because big changes are made up of smaller ones.

And It beckons the question: what other changes have I been avoiding?

Here’s another Mood Movement Playlist (that includes a song by Rachael’s sister, Elana. Another small change that might make a big difference.

Dance with us!

When we started this 2019 when the idea of “dancing together, but in our own homes” was a bit odd. These days… maybe not so odd.

Thanks for dancing with us.

We wonder what changes will move into this week.


Noah and Rachael