Thank You for Cultivating Emotional Resilience
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Your Guide to Emotional Resilience should be arriving in your email inbox soon. I’m happy you’ve chosen to download it - I hope you enjoy it and make good use of it. At Heartseed Health we are devoted to supporting people’s growth and encouraging the sprouting of Heartseeds. Healthy communities need fruitful creativity and that’s what we get when Heartseeds grow.
Boxes and Boxes. Stacked here and there. Packing paper strewn all over the place.
An ongoing echo, "Where should I put this?"
Moving is a huge undertaking.
Sorting. Cleaning. Junking. Saving. Grieving. Releasing. Crying. Organizing. Cursing. Laughing. Remembering. Grieving some more. Fighting. Repairing. Doubting. Celebrating. Grieving. Crying. Giving stuff away. Buying new stuff. Feeling Confused. Feeling happy. Feeling Sad. Feeling Hungry. Not Feeling Hungry. Sorting more. Moving things around. Looking at the room and moving things around again.
"Where do I put this?"