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372 Lefthand Canyon Drive
Boulder, CO, 80302
United States


Heartseed Health in Boulder, CO is an acupuncture and counseling practice offering holistic and integrative care. We can support you with medicine grounded in spirit and rooted in science.




Filtering by Tag: birth

E2: The Essence of Birth - Interview with Lo Kawulok and Nichole Didelot of the Community Roots Midwifery Collective

Rachael Brody

In this episode we explore the midwifery model of birth. We talk with two midwives from the Community Roots Midwife Collective in Longmont, Colorado. All of us were birthed onto this planet by our mothers one way or another. It is a powerful and sacred event the carries a lot of significance for the family. There are many ways of approaching birth, and as a culture, here in the US, we tend to see it as a medical event that belongs in a hospital rather than a natural event that can happen in our homes. Most of us are incredibly lucky to be living in a place and an era where adequate health care options are available and where birth, which can involve life or death situations, can be supported by medical help if and when needed. Birth is a miraculous undertaking for the human body regardless of where it takes place. Every family has to make the decision of how they want and are able to bring new life into the world. Birth is the last place we want to be bringing shame or guilt and I think it’s incredibly important, that we treat everyone else’s choice with dignity and respect. 

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