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3: The Sacred Birth - Interview with Dakota Hindman, doula and ceremonialist with Matrescence Doula Services



3: The Sacred Birth - Interview with Dakota Hindman, doula and ceremonialist with Matrescence Doula Services

Rachael Brody

The Sacred Birth

Interview with Dakota Hindman - Doula and Ceremonialist


This is a great interview with Dakota Hindman, a doula and ceremonialist. It was a lot of fun to connect with Dakota. I enjoyed hearing her thoughts on supporting families while they birth and appreciated the inclusion of ceremony and sanctity in the transformative process. We discussed some of the cultural shifts we’d like to see occur and how the current culture impacts the experience for a lot of people.

Some of the things we explore in this episode include:

- What is a doula? 

- Who chooses to work with doulas and why.

- How do ceremony and ritual fit into the process of birth.

- We learn about the Mother’s Center (

- We discuss the challenging aspects of pregnancy and birth and how can those challenges be supported.

- At the end of the interview Dakota offers a beautiful description of a “Sacred Witness” and how it fits into her role as a Doula.

Dakota’s Recommended Reading:

- Spiritual Midwifery - Ina May Gaskin - Birth Stories

- The Hummingbird’s Daughter - Luís Alberto Urrea

To get in touch with Dakota

Go to: 

or connect on Facebook

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