Heartseed Health

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The Magic of Meaning and Community

We all benefit from support in finding meaning and creating community. We’re honored that you’ve chosen to be a part of the Heartseed Community. We’re working towards creating more offerings that can bring us together in more tangible ways in Boulder, like the ongoing New Moon Women’s Dance, the pickle party last week, and the upcoming Mama Movement Class Series and Council of Fathers group. 

There is something magical that happens when we’re connected to our purpose and community. We feel we’re living a meaningful life and become aware of a deeper reason for being. 

This doesn’t make things easy, but it makes things easier. 

Having meaning in our lives can be what makes us or breaks us. Meaning can give us the leverage we need to push up against life’s challenges. 

The thing is: we create meaning, it doesn’t happen on its own. We get in touch with our values and live a life infused with a sense of worthiness.

Community is another source of strength. Part of being in community is sharing values and supporting one another purpose.

Emotional Resilience is the quality that allows us to keep pushing when we’re stretched thin and to bounce back when we fall. Having meaning in our lives and community are cornerstone pieces of emotional resilience.

In addition to the Boulder based community offerings listed above, we’re also happy to offer one-on-one support to people seeking a space to connect with their bodies and souls, uncover and access their strengths, and create more joyful relationships with the world

Please let us know how we can support you.

With caring open hearts,

Rachael and Noah